An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest
Top legal quality in practice is not possible without theoretical groundwork. Thus, the team at Lospa Lawyers supports the dialogue between science and practice through its own scientific work, publications and other contributions. You'll find the latest news, deals and awards, as well as legal updates providing in-depth commentary and expert analysis.
November 26, 2024 - Books & tools
Pe 24 septembrie 2024, Profesorul Gabriel BOROI a împlinit 60 de ani, ocazie cu care numeroși colegi avocați, judecători, executori judecătorești, membri ai comunității academice, prieteni și, nu în ultimul rând, foști studenți, i-au dedicat o impresionantă colecție de articole, reunite în volumul In honorem Gabriel Boroi, editat de Universul Juridic, sub coordonarea dnei jud. Delia Theohari și a dlui executor Bogdan Dumitrache
July 2, 2017 - Books & tools
Now in its second edition, this powerful tool is a popular first port of call for non-specialists and those new to the area of insolvency, whether in practice or whilst studying.
June 14, 2017 - Books & tools
4th edition is integrating Law no. 17/2017 and is the definitive tool for litigators, judges and students studying civil procedure law. The innovative bicolour and 2 columns layout is intuitive and original.
February 17, 2017 - Books & tools
This second edition includes coverage of relevant (i) extraordinary appeals for law enforcement purposes; (ii) preliminary decisions and (iii) past and related legislation.
March 25, 2016 - Books & tools
Useful to insolvency practitioners, litigators and syndinc-judges, the Insolvency Code is a powerful tool provided by Paul Lospa, Founder of Lospa Lawyers
March 10, 2016 - Books & tools
3rd edition is integrating GO no. 1/2016 and is the definitive tool for litigators, judges and students studying civil procedure law. The innovative bicolor and 2 columns layout is intuitive and original.
March 1, 2016 - Books & tools
Comprehensive overview of the Romanian corporations law system, with sizable and fundamental extracts from the case law (around 370), the book provided by Alexandru Florescu and Paul Lospa, Founder of Lospa Lawyers, is a useful reference in any practitioner’s library.