We know the “terrain”
Construction litigation is multifaceted by nature. Any given building project—from a single-family home to a condominium project to a massive office park—requires a huge variety of trade skills and a hierarchy of contractors and subcontractors. Construction litigation cases typically involve multiple defendants and many alleged construction defects. Insurance companies also get into the fray and coverage disputes are common. The result is a complicated, and often protracted, legal scenario.
Lospa Lawyers represents owners, general contractors, architects, subcontractors, engineers, homeowner associations and suppliers associated with all types of construction projects, including commercial and residential. We have extensive relationships with the top construction and architectural experts in all building fields.
Among the matters we have handled successfully are disputes involving:
- claims for additional compensation for performing extra work
- construction defects
- denial of site access
- delay
- differing site conditions and changed conditions
- design deficiencies
- environmental hazards
- failure to meet performance standards and guarantees
- inadequate project management/lack of proper coordination
- inadequate inspection
- post-completion warranty claims
- subcontractor’s actions
- structural failures
- suspension of work and stop work orders
- work-site accidents and safety violations