Public procurement litigation
Public procurement litigation

Challenging or defending a procurement contract award

The team is perfectly placed to partner you in your public procurement life cycle. We know how the public sector works, we know the public contracts regulations inside out and we understand how the Romanian courts will apply the fundamental principles.

We specialise in advising clients who are participating in a public procurement process. We act for companies of various sizes from SME to some of the biggest suppliers to government.

We have advised and represented clients in a wide variety of procurement-related matters including:

  • drafting tender documents
  • drafting procurement policies
  • administering the procurement process for clients and assisting with issues that arise through public and private procurement process;
  • bid compliance review
  • assisting with tender evaluation and awards including establishing appropriate evaluation criteria and bid selection procedures and properly documenting tender award decisions;
  • litigating tendering disputes before all levels of courts including and before National Council for Solving Complaints (RO - Consiliul Național pentru Soluționarea Contestațiilor, CNSC)
  • litigation claims for damages
  • the reconsideration of tendering awards

We provide expert advice to clients who have been unsuccessful in a procurement, advising on whether they have grounds to challenge the decision and on the risk/ reward ratio of mounting a challenge. Where the contracting authority is in breach of the rules we represent clients in the legal process. Whether your aim is to obtain an award of damages or an order overturning the decision to award the contract to the successful bidder, we are here to help.